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LSA Expansion for Fault Recovery in GMPLS Network


Changwoo Nam, Kwangsub Go, Minki Noh, Seunghae Kim, Hyuncheol Kim, Jaeyong Lee, Jinwook Chung


Vol. 7  No. 10  pp. 124-128


GMPLS-based optical network fault recovery does not consider an integration of connection when configuring a backup path. This can cause greater damages likely when a fault occurs to a link or path concentrated with many connections. Also, the concentration of such traffic results in a negative effect in terms of network survivability. This paper attempted to minimize the damage done by a network fault by selecting a more stable path and avoiding ones with lower survivability based on the number of connections to a node or link by expanding LSA of the link state algorithm.


GMPLS, Optical Network, Fault Recovery