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Real-time Motion Generating Method for Artificial Fish


Cheol-Min Kim, Min-Woo Shin, Seung-Moon Jeong, Im-Chul Kang


Vol. 7  No. 10  pp. 52-61


In interactive 3D cyber space systems including computer games and virtual reality applications, we have increased need for real-time interactive control of articulated body motions for more realistic expression of characters. Animation methods that based on articulated body motions are used for produce real-time control of artificial life character¡¯s motion. But these methods are not adequate to complex systems, like virtual marine world, that transact many interactive actions. In this paper, we present the real-time animation method that can be applied to control of artificial fish character for constructing the virtual marine world.


Real-Time Character Animation, Procedural Approach, Artificial Fish, Virtual Marine World