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An Iterative Blind Receiver : Implementation and Performance


Ons BenRhouma, Maha BenZid, S?bastion Houcke, Ammar Bouall?gue


Vol. 7  No. 9  pp. 73-78


In this paper, we introduce a new blind MIMO communication scheme allowing the transmission over a frequency selective channel based on the deflation procedure described in [6]. The propose method is based on an iterative receiver, we introduce an error correcting code and we propose a new structure of a receiver. It consists in extracting symbols emitted by sources. Our scheme uses 2 transmit antennas and K (K>2) received antennas. This kind of blind system is well suited for many applications of communication network such as acoustic network, neural network, ... and where we do not have a strong constraint for the number of antennas.


MIMO system, Deflation, Source separation, turbo decoding, communication network