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An Agent System for Recovering Disabilities in the Ubiquitous Environment


Sang-Bin Park, Won-hyuk Lee, Byeong-Yeon Park, Sung-jin Ahn, Jin-wook Chung


Vol. 7  No. 8  pp. 128-132


The network is gradually becoming more sophisticated as the ubiquitous computing technology allows one to freely access or to create a network regardless of time and place. Given such environment, there is a need for a system that can prove the quality of self-management/administration for network disabilities by installing an agent that can take measures against network disabilities to each digital device in order to apply the quality of self-management/administration that does not require human intervention by attempting to identify the status that varies according to time and place through sensing and tracking as computers are present in every aspect of our lives. Since the existing systems perform each procedure in a sequential manner, it is difficult to detect the characteristics of disabilities and therefore the consequent diagnosis and recovery are very difficult. Also, there are constraints when a system tries to determine the network organizational disabilities of its own. In other words, it is difficult for a system to determine its own internal or external network status. Therefore, communications between various agents that are scattered in the network are required in order to accurately identify the causes of such disabilities so that these network organizational disabilities can be recovered. Hence, this research paper proposes a method that not only diagnoses disabilities but also a system that effectively recovers them by accurately identifying the status of the internal or external network that cannot be identified by the system itself through an organic collaboration with all available agents at any place and any time, supported by the ubiquitous computing technology.


Network Disability Diagnosis System, Self-Recovery. Network Disability Diagnosis System, LODES