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A Fair-Exchange Protocol Based on Off-line Semi-Trusted Third Party


Wu Qingtao, zhang Hongyi, Pu Jiexin


Vol. 7  No. 7  pp. 208-212


The fairness of data exchange becomes a key factor for the transaction over the Internet. To ensure the fairness of data exchange, the protocol needs a trusted third party be a judge when the dispute occurs, and has to give a guarantee to main parties during the data exchange. To eliminate the third party¡¯s connectional time and enhance its security, a fair-exchange protocol based on off-line semi-trusted third party has presented in this paper. The protocol employs an off-line semi-trusted third party, where a flexible method for selecting a semi-trusted third party is proposed. Also, the proposed protocol is extended to Web services so that it can be used for main parties in different platforms.


Fair data Exchange, Off-line semi-trusted third party, Web Services