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Game Theoretical Analysis of Radio Resource Management in Wireless Networks: A Non-Cooperative Game Approach of Power
Nilimesh Halder, Ju Bin Song
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 6 pp. 184-192
Radio Resource Management (RRM) is one of the most challenging and one of the most important aspects of modern wireless communication networks. System performance can be improved by applying intelligent radio resource management scheme in wireless networks. So distributed solutions to the resource management are motivated by the need to cope with the complexity in modern wireless communication networks. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the radio resource management problem in a cognitive radio based wireless ad-hoc network from the viewpoint of game theory. The main focus is to model and analyze a distributed power control in cognitive radio based wireless ad-hoc network using non-cooperative games. Using this model, we show a distributed power control scheme that converges to a fixed point for satisfaction of each user in the wireless network. Formulating distributed power control as a non-cooperative game we show the existence and uniqueness of the Nash equilibrium which can be achieved by the application of power control game.
power control, radio resource management, cognitive radio, wireless ad hoc networks, game theory, Nash equilibrium