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Modified S-box to Archive Accelerated GOST
George S Oreku, Jianzhong Li, Tamara Pazynyuk, Fredrick J. Mtenzi
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 6 pp. 88-98
The block cipher GOST was proposed in former Soviet Union in 1989. In this paper we present the principal algorithm of GOST block with reduced number of rounds. By introducing the idea reduced round version of GOST the modules speed processing of using a set of differential characteristics, we can simply increase the effectiveness and estimate the efficient for cryptosystem. We describe GOST and DES general principal encryptions algorithms for comparison .We present reduced GOST principals cryptographic basic steps and flowcharts for blocks information development. Simple modules were created and speed processing comparison for GOST and DES was made. The speed processing conducted in different machines classes gave good results for modified GOST.
GOST, DES, Algorithms, Cipher