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Dynamic Updating and Management of Virtual Resource Database in Grids Using Mobile Agents


Kameshwari S, Valliyammai C, ThamaraiSelvi S, Divya S, Sharmila R


Vol. 7  No. 5  pp. 230-234


Grid Computing Element (CE) is a distributed heterogeneous system of computational data and informational resources. The goal of any Grid CE is to create an integrated virtual system of resources available to the users. The nature of resource utilization is unpredictable in such computational resource rich Grid CE. So continuous and dynamic updating of the utilization of the resources in the grid clusters becomes mandatory. Virtual database decreases the information/query processing, which is a bottleneck in Centralized Monitoring mechanism. In this paper, the authors propose a Mobile-Agent based mechanism for the dynamic resource monitoring in the Grid CE. The process involves the creation and maintenance of a Virtual Resource Database for every Resource Consumer group.


Grid, Dynamic resource monitoring, Virtual Database, Virtual Organization, Monitoring Mobile Agents