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Analysing Link Stability Using QoS to Support Routing in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
R.Gunasekaran, Dr.V.Rhymend Uthariaraj
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 5 pp. 183-189
An Ad-hoc network is a wireless network without any centralized authority. Because of the lack of this centralized authority many of the wireless protocols at various layers of the TCP Stack becomes inefficient. In addition to the lack of a centralized server, the nodes of an Ad-hoc are mobile which introduces challenges when designing routing and MAC protocols. This paper deals with finding the stability of links among nodes in mobile ad-hoc networks and a new protocol named Quality of Service Based Medium Access Control Protocol for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks(QB-MAC). To calculate link stability we use certain Qos Parameters. This stability value can then be used to support routing. In this way we guarantee the Quality of Service required by the user for the transfer of messages. This simulation is done using the Network Simulator (ns2) and the results obtained along with other graphical data are given.
QB-MAC, Wireless ad hoc networks, quality of service, user, link stability, routing, Markovian model