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Artificial Traffic Generation For A Multi Service Network
P.K.Suri, K.D.Sharma, Brijesh Kumar
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 4 pp. 250-254
Artificial traffic generation for networks is a necessary, to an extent difficult and probably the most important task for planning and/or designing the futures aspects of the networks. This task is further difficult if the network provides different type of services. The selection of the appropriate source models for such a multiservice network (such as ATM), is really a daunting task. In the current paper, traffic the source models for different classes of service in a network have been identified. Based on these identified and a technique has been discussed to generate an aggregated source traffic consisting of the packets from various service classes. The effort has been done to generate the traffic, which meets certain conditions (as per the predefined parameters), in order to represent a composite multiservice (or multi class) traffic sources.
Multi service Network, ATM, source model, Markovian models, Service Categories