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IPMS: A Web Portal for Industry Project Team Management


Hao Shi


Vol. 7  No. 4  pp. 111-116


Industry Projects have been a major component for final-year Computer Science students at Victoria University. It aims to exposure students to real-world ICT (Information and Communications Technology) industry to understand the skill requirements and industry demands. It is a capstone activity because previously learned theories are applied to real-life practice. Project students are organised into teams of four members and have to choose a relevant ICT industry project. As well as having an academic supervisor each team has an external sponsor. However, it is a very time consuming task for the project coordinator to manage students, allocate projects, coordinate supervisors and liaise with external sponsors. In order to automate the process and allow the stakeholders to focus more on their key tasks, IPMS - a web-based Industry Project Management System is proposed specifically tailored to the needs of Industry Projects. In this paper, user requirements and functionality of IPMS are first described. Then the prototype is presented and the results of usability test are also given. It has demonstrated that the developed IPMS web portal has met the user requirements, reduced administrative load, and provided benefits to all the stakeholders beyond the initial design.


Project Management Systems, e-Management, Industry Projects, Groupware, Web Portal