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Multilayer Semantic Data Model for Sports Video
A. Sunitha, Dr. P. Govindarajulu
Citation |
Vol. 7 No. 3 pp. 330-341
Content-based video management system has become an active research topic for many researchers, which can fully abstract the content of video and index the video objects. A hierarchical semantic abstraction for sports video is proposed in the paper. We have represented the semantics of sports video at three levels of abstraction (using cricket video as an example). The top layer describes the content independent features, where they are described as context independent and context dependent features. The middle layer abstracts the key concepts of sports video. In the bottom layer, concept_measures of the concepts are described by using fuzzy approach to find the semantic similarity. For storing, concepts and concept_measures we have used XML databases. The proposed system can easily be applied to any sports video.
Concept based Video Indexing, XML Database, Semantic Video data model, Concept Measure, Context