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Ontological Methodologies ? From Open Standards Software Development to Open Standards Organizational Project Governance


Chan Cheah


Vol. 7  No. 3  pp. 283-289


Ontological methodologies use consistencies in system development and project management work and create consistencies in both system products/services and project knowledge management. They also transform these system development and project management practices into multi-site models where project work and resources are carried in different locations. This paper examines the ramifications of this discovery in project management by researching an ontological methodology for specifying the domain knowledge and data model of multi-site project management (MSPM), and verifies that the value of the MSPM ontological methodology goes beyond creating consistencies in making MSPM knowledge explicit. The MSPM ontological methodology is a new governance framework of project management across locations, where open standards govern the execution of project management, and in doing so creates and sustains capability consistency in organizational project management, enterprise architecture management and multi-site risks management that includes macroeconomics management.


Ontology, ontological system development, multi-site project management, ontological methodology, ontological data model