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A Realization and Verification of A Parallel Image Processing Controller by using An Extended Petri net


Katsumi Wasaki


Vol. 7  No. 3  pp. 258-263


We describe a case study of the design and verification of a parallel image processing unit based on an extended Petri net, which is called a Logical Colored Petri net (LCPN). This is suitable for Flexible-Manufacturing System (FMS) modeling and discussion of structural properties. LCPN is another family of colored p/t-net (CPN) with the addition of the following features: integer value assignment of marks, representation of firing conditions as marks' value based formulae, and coupling of output procedures with transition firing. Because the concept of transition firing evaluation orders is omitted from the analysis in conventional CPN, we introduce this concept formally in our proposed net. Therefore, to study the behavior of a system modeled with this net, we provide a means of searching the reachability tree for markings. Finally, we describe a case study of the design and verification for a process controller of an FMS based on the theory of this net.


Extended Petri nets, Flexible Manufacturing Systems, Image Processing Controllers, System Verification