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Implementation of Home Network Security System based on Remote Management Server


Young Gun Jang, Hoon Il Choi, Chan Kon Park


Vol. 7  No. 2  pp. 267-274


The user authentication and access control technology of home networks has, up until recently, adopted a practice of direct security management by residents, with the placing of the security system in the home network of each house. Such a type of system has a high probability of producing weaknesses in security, because home residents must manage their security. Additionally, as the security system is placed in the network of each house, system construction costs are incurred, and many weak points may arise in the maintenance and management of the security system. In this study, a user authentication and access control system for home networks was designed and implemented based on a remote management server. This approach, which was competitive in terms of price and service flexibility, was also suitable for mass housing types, such as apartment complexes and large buildings, and was designed in such a way that no professional knowledge was required of the individuals using the network. In the test, the system showed stable functionality for authentication and access control.


home network, security, authentication, access control, remote management server