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Genetic Regenerator of Pseudo-Random Sequences R.A NMJ


Abderrahim Sabour, Ahmed Asimi, Aboubakr Lbekkouri


Vol. 7  No. 1  pp. 259-266


In this article, we propose a new regenerator of pseudo-random sequences R.A NMJ, based on evolutionist algorithms, in that case the genetic algorithms, in order to regenerate pseudo-random sequences cryptographically reliable. R.A NMJ is an algorithm that simulates the evolution, via dissipative functions, of a population of individuals created from a password. Each individual evolves since its creation in a dynamic manner, thus generating a chaotic behaviour. The algorithm R.A NMJ will create at the time of process I the initial population from a password, which will evolve at the time of process II. Process III, that is iterative will regenerate at each iteration a binary sequence where all individuals of the population will contribute; a sequence is combined with the clear message, thus generating the cipher. The addressee, equipped with a similar generator deciphers the received message while applying the same process. For the evaluation of the statistical characteristics of regenerated sequences by R.A NMJ, we have used the software NIST Statistical Test Suite, for many passwords and which lead to nice results.


evolutionist algorithms, pseudo-random sequences, chaotic behavior