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Research on Constructing an Internet-based Multi-step Security System


Hoesung Ki, Seongjin Ahn


Vol. 6  No. 12  pp. 275-280


Due to the side effects of the increasing Internet population and the proliferation of new cyberspace culture on the current Internet culture, this research seeks to construct a multi-step security system as a counter measure. This multi-step security system utilizes the existing legacy security solution firewall, intrusion detection system, and intrusion prevention system and virus wall to provide a new security system, which maximizes the effectiveness of the entire system, and also presents an ideal security system by enforcing security steps. It is also a momentous security system model which can successfully defend the system from hacking, worm virus, spam mails, and DDoS attack.


Multi-step security system, firewall, intrusion detection system, intrusion prevention system, virus wall, security system construction model.