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Comparison of Endpoint Admission Control Algorithms by probing at Exponential Interval and at Constant Interval


L.Senthilkumar, Dr.V.Sankaranarayanan


Vol. 6  No. 12  pp. 192-196


An Endpoint admission control adopts probing at a constant rate equivalent to peak rate of the flow to be admitted. This inserts a large burst of packets. The real-time traffic flows by nature do not require such large chunk of bandwidth because of their VBR characteristics. This has prompted to use exponential interval probing to determine the spare bandwidth. With such probing, admission decision based on both packet loss and variants of inter-packet delay estimation are evaluated. It is found that probing at exponential interval and admission decision taken based on the proposed admission algorithm which works on estimation of average inter-packet delay result in a better performance in terms of improved bottleneck link utilization and also a lower inter-packet delay variation being experienced by the admitted data flows.


Admission, Exponential interval, Constant interval, QoS, DiffServ Delay