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Improving Browsing Time Estimation with Intentional Browsing Data
Yu-Hui Tao, Tzung-Pei Hong, Yu-Ming Su
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 12 pp. 35-39
Web usage mining (WUM) utilizes mainly the Web logs as its data sources. A user¡¯s Web page browsing-time calculated from the Web logs usually involves some possible inaccuracies if the user was not navigating the Web page at the whole time. This paper proposes to use intentional browsing data (IDB), collected online from the user¡¯s interaction with the Web page, for adjusting the estimation of the browsing time for potential better application results. Two approaches on different phases of WUM, pre-processing adjustments versus mining algorithm, are proposed and illustrated for their rational benefits in addressing the estimation issue.
Web Usage Mining, Web Log Files Browsing Behavior, Browsing Time.