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Memory Organization and Optimization for Java Workloads


K. F. Chong, Anthony S. Fong


Vol. 6  No. 11  pp. 284-291


Java has become a popular paradigm in software development. It is widely used in embedded systems and network computing because of its excellent robustness, modularity and security. Its built-in garbage collection automatically reclaims unused memory space. Current generational garbage collector works well with programs containing massive short-lived objects. However, the existence of hot-mature (frequently-accessed and long-lived) objects inhibits object reclamation. In this paper, we present two methodologies to exploit the locality for these objects. Firstly, we employ an on-chip scratchpad memory in memory hierarchy to preserve young and hot-mature objects. This reduces energy consumption and data accessing cycles for Java execution. Secondly, we introduce a pretenuring technique to segregate objects into separated memory regions based on object lifetimes and reference densities, which minimizes the amount of object copying during garbage collections.


Cache and memory systems, Java, memory management, high-performance computer architecture