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A Novel Genetic Algorithm with Improved Fuzzy Neuron Network for Digital Image Processing


Lixiang Zhou, Minfen Shen


Vol. 6  No. 10  pp. 79-82


It is a difficult problem to get rid of the distorted points and to keep the detail of the image at same time when processing of image. So the fuzzy neuron network (FNN) is introduced to fuse the result of filter of the multilevel FIR-median hybrid (MFMHF) and the result of the median filter with a specified window. The selection of appropriate parameters for the FNN is still a challenge. Thus, an improved FNN based on genetic algorithm (GA) is proposed to solve the problems of choosing the parameters of the FNN system. Simulation results show that after the parameters of the FNN being optimized with GA, the performance of the FNN on image fusion is much better than the performance of the FNN system


Image processing, fuzzy neuron network, genetic algorithm, denoising