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Photovoltaic Cell Battery Model for Wireless Sensor Networks


JongGyu Kim, John Paul M. Torregoza, InYeup Kong, WonJoo Hwang


Vol. 6  No. 9  pp. 90-97


Power management is one of the criteria which characterize any existing wireless communications device in the market. It has been a concern of design engineers and has been on continual development for a number of years now. Modules with rechargeable power source has been seen in the market recently giving rise to what is so called as ¡°perpetually¡± operating devices. This paper proposes a battery model for a solar cell replaceable power source taking account the time of day as well as the duty cycle of the device. With this model, routing protocols, clustering algorithms and other networking power saving methods can be devised.


Battery Model, Photovoltaic Cell, Wireless Sensor Network