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Probabilistic QoS Guarantees: Fixed and Dynamic Priority Scheduling
In?s El Korbi, Skander Azzaz, Leila Azouz Saidane
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 1-21
Generally, with a limited number of fixed priorities within a network, applications sharing a same priority are scheduled according to First in First out discipline. This policy is called FP/FIFO. However real time applications have deadline requirements which aren¡¯t taken into account with the discipline. That is why we propose to introduce the Earliest Deadline First discipline to schedule applications sharing a same priority. In another hand, we are interested in providing quantitative Quality of Service guarantees to various types of real-time applications. Hard real-time applications have strong deadline requirements whereas soft real-time applications have only soft deadline requirements. A probabilistic approach is used to guarantee probabilistic adapted to applications requirements. The response time probability density function is then computed to obtain the probability that the response time doesn¡¯t exceed a given deadline.
Quality of service, Probabilistic guarantee, fixed priority, dynamic priority, EDF, deadline, end-to-end response time, M/G/1 station, Head of Line discipline.