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Spatio-Temporal Object Relational for Biodiversity System (STORe-Biodi)
Mohd Taib Wahid, A.Z.M Kamruzzaman, Abdul Rashid Mohamed Shariff
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 9 pp. 45-53
A Spatio-temporal data model for biodiversity is growing importance to the biodiversity data management, forest and environment control. Spatio-temporal data models have received much attention in the database research community because of their practical importance and interesting challenges they pose. This paper is discussed upon the research activities of selecting, designing, implementing the data model. The paper can be divided by two major parts, first: discuss about biodiversity data model and secondly: spatio-temporal conceptual framework design of biodiversity data model for long terms stewardship of biodiversity information. In this paper our main objective to minimize the extension required in SQL language. This paper also focuses on the unified models of space and time using object-relation approach. In particular, we propose a conceptual object-relational spatial temporal data model based on Donna J. Peuquet's pyramid framework. Standard and user management queries are applied to test the model. After extensive testing, the data model performed admirably in managing biodiversity data.
Spatio-temporal, Data model, Biodiversity data, Object-relational, SQL.