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An Improved Generalized Threshold Authenticated Encryption Scheme


Wenfang Zhang, Dake He, Xiaomin Wang


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 195-201


In 2000, Wang, Chang and Lin proposed a generalized (t,n) threshold authenticated encryption scheme with (k,l) threshold-shared verification (the WCL scheme). However, Tseng, Jan and Chien pointed out that the WCL scheme will suffer from secret key leakage and presented a modified scheme. Later, Lee showed that this modified scheme is vulnerable to the forgery attack. Recently, Wang et al. gave another successful attack on the original WCL scheme. Accordingly, this paper proposes an improvement of the WCL scheme to overcome the weaknesses while maintaining its advantages. Furthermore, the performance of our scheme is equivalent to that of the WCL scheme with respect to computational complexity and communication cost


Generalized threshold cryptography, Authenticated encryption, Threshold authenticated encryption, Threshold-shared verification