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A New Tool to Check the Coherence of Constraints Defined on UML Class Diagrams


Djamel Berrabah, Faouzi Boufar?s, Charles-Fran?ois Ducateau


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 162-171


The unified modeling language (UML) is an important and efficient industry standard language for modeling databases. It is supported by most of CASE tools available on the market. However, these tools do not preserve the efficiency of UML during translation. In other words, they often do not take into account all the information (structures and constraints) given in a UML class diagram. The goal of this paper is to enrich and improve these tools in order to solve this problem. So we aim to propose an efficient approach to generate automatically mechanisms that check participation constraints. These mechanisms are active during the maintenance of databases. If any operation brings about an inconsistent database state (i.e. violates constraints) it will be rejected and the data of the database will remain unchanged


UML for databases design, class diagram translation, active database, integrity constraints checking