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Discrimination of Moving Objects in Surveillance Movies Captured at Intersections


Jien Kato, Katsuya Naoi, Toyohide Watanabe


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 138-145


Many research efforts have been devoted to robustly detecting and tracking moving objects in surveillance movies. However, tracking specific targets in an image sequence which includes various moving objects is still an unsolved problem. From the viewpoint of extracting useful traffic information to support safe driving, this paper proposes a new approach that discriminates between pedestrians and vehicles in surveillance movies captured at traffic intersections. The main idea is the use of complexity of intensity (COI) and ratio of concentration of colors (COC). Experimental results using real data acquired via actually used surveillance cameras have demonstrated the effectiveness of our approach. By incorporating this approach into a general tracking process, tracking specific objects in complicated environment is able to be achieved


ITS, traffic surveillance, discrimination between pedestrians and vehicles, analysis of situation in intersections