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A Case for Business Process Deployment for Location Aware Applications


Saqib Ali, Torab Torabi, Hassan Ali


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 118-127


Every action a business process performs must be explicitly anticipated, designed for and implemented by business professionals. Most of the current techniques specify business processes (BP) without incorporating all four Ws; Who, When, What and Where. These processes when used especially in logistics or supply chain applications will result in a BP becoming even more complicated and harder to customize. The business process is dependent upon business rules (BR) and required resources to achieve its objectives. To overcome some of these issues we propose a location aware business process deployment framework. Using this framework we can integrate location awareness into the existing business processes. In this paper our focus would be on how the companies can adopt their traditional business processes to be mobile. This case study presents a scenario for a company that uses a location aware technologies and information intensive business processes to enrich its existing enterprise applications


Location aware, Business process, Mobile applications, deployment