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A Method of Collaborative Process Design Comparing Workflow Model Components


Joonsoo Bae, Backchul Kwon, Jae-Yoon Jung, Hyerim Bae, Suk-Ho Kang


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 54-59


This paper proposes a difference analysis methodology using distance measures between process definitions and suggests a collaborative process design method that can be used by many process designers in order to develop a new process together. The properties of process definition are classified into four categories and distance measures are developed for each category: relationship, structure, participant, and condition. The proposed collaborative design method is a type of group dynamics that supports the attainment of a final goal among many different or conflicting opinions by using devised distance measures. The proposed method can provide a more exact and cost efficient process design, especially when there are an increasing number of people who are concerned with this process, and when there are an increasing number of accumulated history logs that can be referenced in a new process design


Workflow, collaborative process design, process distance, group dynamics