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Development of Self-Learning Support System Using Arousal Level and Lecture Information


Yurie Iribe, Shuji Shinohara, Kyoichi Matsuura, Ryo Taguchi,k Kouichi Katsurada, Yuske Sekiguchi, Tsuneo Nitta


Vol. 6  No. 8  pp. 11-17


One of today¡¯s hot topics in an educational field is the development of efficient learning support systems. With the progress of networks and multimedia technologies, various types of web-based training (WBT) systems have been developed for distance- and self-learning. Most of the current learning support systems synchronously reproduce contents in lecture resources such as videos, slides, and digital-ink notes written by teachers. This paper describes a more efficient learning support system that provides not only multimedia data in lecture resources but also various functionalities matched to student learning level by introducing lecture information (i.e. questions/answers) and student arousal levels extracted from biological data. We also investigate the effectiveness of the proposed system through an experimental evaluation


Self-Learning, Arousal Level, Lecture Information, Learning Support System.