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Learning-based System for Detecting Abnormal Traffic and Host Control


Changwoo Nam, Chanyeol Park, Huhnkuk Lim, Seongjin Ahn, Jinwook Chung


Vol. 6  No. 7  pp. 196-201


Worm viruses nowadays tend not only to simply attack a host and destroy it but generate high volumes of traffic and cause network failure. This paper proposes a learning-based system for detecting abnormal traffic with a control function for individual hosts included in it for efficient protection against worm viruses and network security on a network level. The system searches, detects and learns abnormal traffic on a network level to prevent factors causing network bottleneck from affecting in advance. This paper also presents a network security management system using the ARP Spoofing attack method to efficiently control the hosts within the network.


Network Management, Network Security, ARP spoofing, Abnormal Traffic, Worm Virus, Worm Detection