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Selection of the Success Factors of Mobile Commerce and Evaluation using AHP


Gioug Oh, Dooyeon Kim, Sungyul Rhew


Vol. 6  No. 7  pp. 127-134


With the development of information technology, ordinary commercial activities are evolving into e-commerce. In e-commerce, users can access services from any place as long as information technology is available. Currently, e-commerce is moving toward mobile commerce that allows users to do commercial activities while they are moving. Mobile commerce shares some characteristics with e-commerce but is also distinguished from it. Previous studies that analyzed the characteristics of mobile commerce have been made focused on specific regions or areas or from specific viewpoints. The present study analyzed the diverse characteristics of the success factors of mobile commerce in consideration of the user aspect, the developer aspect and the operator aspect as well as the functional aspect, the technological aspect and the market aspect. The extracted factors were evaluated objectively using an analytics hierarchical process (AHP). Factors such as trust in system quality and understandability in contents quality identified through analysis in this study are part of success factors currently applied to?mobile commerce


Analytics Hierarchical Process, Electronic Commerce, Mobile Commerce, MAUT, Ubiquitous Commerce