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Partitionable Mobile File System over Ad-Hoc Networks


Weider D. Yu, Yan Chen


Vol. 6  No. 7  pp. 113-126


Most peer-to-peer file storage sharing systems work on wired networks. Due to the multi-hop wireless communication nature in ad-hoc networks, the development of mobile ad-hoc network file storage sharing system faces many challenges. In this paper, a hypothetical partitionable mobile file system (PMFS) is proposed. This new PMFS is a distributed file storing/sharing system built on partitionable mobile wireless ad-hoc networks. The main proposal of PMFS is focused on the system performance and service availability over wireless ad-hoc networks. To enhance performance and achieve efficient file storage and retrieval, various techniques have been proposed on the system. Overall, PMFS is aimed to be a more flexible and efficient file storage system over partitionable mobile wireless ad-hoc networks.


Wireless ad-hoc networks, mobile networks, peer-to-peer file storage, mobile file systems, file storing/retrieval, file sharing, mobile network partition