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Synchronization in an Embedded DBMS Environment


Sang-Wook Kim


Vol. 6  No. 7  pp. 30-35


The embedded DBMS is a lightweight DBMS for effective management of quite small databases contained in tiny mobile devices. Synchronization is a core function of the embedded DBMS to preserve the consistency of data replicated in the server and client databases. This paper presents a framework for synchronization in embedded DBMS environment. We first address key issues for realizing synchronization, and then propose solutions to them obtained from our development. The main issues touched here are (1) classifying conflicts, (2) identifying changes in a client database, (3) detecting conflicts, and (4) resolving conflicts. The proposed framework would help reduce the trial-and-errors of embedded DBMS developers in implementing their synchronization server.


conflict, data consistency, data replication, embedded DBMS, synchronization