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Forecasting Models of Additional Use of Mobile Digital Contents: A Comparison of Artificial Neural Networks and Logistic Regression Analysis


Se Hun Lim


Vol. 6  No. 6  pp. 146-149


Forecasting of Additional Use of Mobile Digital Contents has attracted research interests in the Mobile Service Provider (MSP) and academic researchers. This study introduces an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to the problem in attempt to provide a model with better explanatory power. In this research, we used logistic regression n analysis (LRA) as a benchmark. This research has compared the performance of forecasting an additional use of mobile digital contents through two types of models; LRA and ANN. Using ANN to forecast a additional use of mobile digital contents is the most outstanding. The order of outstanding performances of forecasting is following; LRA < ANN. Our results can provide practical connotations in mobile service provider (MSP) and mobile enterprises.


Forecasting Model, Digital Contents, Mobile Service, Logistic Regression, Artificial Neural Network, Comparative Study