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Improvement on Sui et al.'s Separable and Anonymous Key Issuing Protocol in ID-based Cryptosystem


Changji Wang , Qin Li , Xingfeng Yang


Vol. 6  No. 5  pp. 161-165


To avoid the need of secure channel in ID-based public key systems (ID-PKC), Sui et al. proposed a separable and anonymous key issuing protocol in [1]. Recently, R. Gangishetti et al. showed that Sui et al.'s key issuing protocol suffers from the stolen verifier attack and incompetency of KGCs in [2]. However, R.Gangishetti et al. did not give any solutions to resist these attacks. In this paper, we improve Sui et al.'s separable and anonymous key issuing protocol, the improved protocol can resist the stolen verifier attack and remove the incompetency of KGCs.


Improve Sui et al.'s separable and anonymous key issuing protocol