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Research on the Sensor Network Technology Applying to the Fourth Generation Fighter Plane


Li Wen-feng, Zhao Jian


Vol. 6  No. 5  pp. 18-21


The technologies of advanced data acquisition, analysis, transmission and data processing are the main research directions of China Airline Industry. Optical fiber, which features the characteristics of high speed data transmitting and high performance of interference killing feature, is doomed to using in avion along with the development of integration, intellectualization, modularization and mechanical-electrical integration of airborne equipments and weapons. P. R. China needs to develop its own the fourth generation fighter plane for improving the armament modern level. We studied the web sensor/sensor network technology applying to the avion. The airplane Data Acquisition System(ADAS) mainly adopted the distributed sensor network technology based on ATM-SONET, among which included ATM-SONET OC-3c, ATM-SONET OC-12, Ethernet and Fiber Channel technology. The ADAS can made real time measurement, record, transmission and monitor to the work state of non-aviation electronic syste, it can also make an alarm in an emergency. Besides, the ground command center can make real time long-distance diagnosing to the avion fault.


fighter plane, web sensor, sensor network, airplane data acquisition system