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Customized Content Delivery through XML Message Brokering


R. Gururaj, P. Sreenivasa Kumar


Vol. 6  No. 5  pp. 120-131


XML is being accepted as a standard format for representation and exchange of web data. XML message brokers play a key role as message exchange points for messages sent between producers and consumers. An XML message broker can perform filtering, transformation, and routing of received messages. In certain applications, XML message brokers may need to perform advanced customization (value-addition) where modifications to the structure and content of the original message are done as per the preferences of individual clients. Customizing the content of messages is desirable and significant in the context of personalized content delivery, data and application integration, and co-operation among disparate web services. At present, XML message brokers support user profile matching and limited customization only. In this paper, we propose a system named VAXBro, a value-adding XML message broker that addresses the data processing needs of value-addition process in an XML message broker. In this work, we also discuss the proposed customization service specification language, XML update approach and process optimization techniques.


Message customization, XML, message broker, application integration