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A Design Method of Reusable Components Based on Feature Matching
Meng FanChao, zhan dechen, Xu Xiaofei
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 5 pp. 24-29
Aim to retrieving reusable business components, an approach of business component identification based on feature matching is proposed. First a domain business model is proposed, and the main business entities in the model have business objects, business operations, events and business activities. Based on the model that two concepts of feature and equivalent feature relation are presented, and the rule of judging equivalent feature relation and algorithm of parting feature set are given. For identifying reusable business components, a hierarchical clustering technique based on graph is proposed. In the process of clustering, we give formula of calculating similarity among business entities which extends Sorenson Coefficient. To acquire high quality business components, we give quality metrics to evaluate the quality of business components.
domain business model, feature, equivalent feature relation, reusable business component