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DiffServ QoS Provisioning for Real Time Traffic in Frequent Handoff MobileIPv6 Networks


Prabhu Patil, Chittaranjan Hota


Vol. 6  No. 4  pp. 151-155


The next-generation mobile networks are evolving towards a versatile IP-based network that can provide various real-time multimedia services to mobile users. Two major challenges in establishing such a wireless mobile Internet are support of fast handoff and provision of quality of service (QoS) over IP-based wireless access networks. In this article, DiffServ resource allocation architecture is proposed for the evolving next generation mobile IPv6 networks. The use of DiffServ eliminates the signaling overhead on mobile node during frequent handoff scenario. The IPv6 networks are made to communicate via currently most popular IPv4 Internet through tunneling. Testbed has been set up to support the architecture and evaluate the performance of real time traffic in frequent handoffs of mobile hosts.


: IntServ, DiffServ, MobileIPv6, handoff, MIPL