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The Simulation Study on the Effect of Outage Channels on Mobile Cellular Network


Hussein M. Aziz Basi, M.B.Ramamurthy


Vol. 6  No. 4  pp. 146-150


A good channel allocation algorithm is the one that yields high spectral efficiency for specified grade of service (GOS). The system planning and design are still carried out with the tools of conventional traffic theory. The designers must evaluate the possible configurations of the system components and their characteristics in order to develop a system with greater efficiency. In this work the simulation study of the GOS degradation in presence of outage for mobile cellular network where the number of channel in outage can be used as an indicator of the traffic load. The performance parameters probability of delay, waiting time for priority and non-priority calls, and mean waiting time are estimated for two models namely the Fixed Outage Rate and Traffic Dependent Outage Rate model. The system is evaluated and compared under different conditions.


Outage channels, delay probability, priority calls, mean waiting time.