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Multi-Paradigm Spreadsheet for End Users


Jong-Myung Choi, Young-Chul Kim


Vol. 6  No. 4  pp. 30-35


Spreadsheets are widely used in various areas by end users because they are easy to use. However, due to the lack of the methodology for analysis and design for spreadsheet applications, users suffer with problems such as high error rates, low reusability, and maintenance difficulties. To mitigate these problems, we introduce a multi-paradigm spreadsheet that allows end users to analyze their problems and design for the solutions. Our multi-paradigm spreadsheet supports object-oriented programming, flowchart, XML, and spreadsheet. While writing the XML document, they analyze the problems by grouping similar things into one concept, and the concept develops into a class in object-oriented programming. The flowchart and spreadsheet are used for describing operations or methods of the class. Our multi-paradigm spreadsheet is so simple that even end users can analyze and design for their applications.


Multi-Paradigm, Spreadsheet, End Users, OOP