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Project Pervasive Association: Toward Acquiring Situations in Sensor Networked Environments
Takeshi Okadome, Takashi Hattori, Kaoru Hiramatsu, Yutaka Yanagisawa
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 3 pp. 134-139
Aiming to automatically acquire situations for context-aware services, project Pervasive Association focuses on such incremental situation changes as when a new computer is brought into an office. The following statements capture its goal: ``when a new entity enters an environment, infer what the entity is,"" and ``when a thing in an environment has a new role, infer what the role is."" Pervasive Association assumes a world in which a sensor node, which is equipped with (a) microsensors and (b) wireless networking and computing engines for communication with computing servers and other networked embedded objects, is attached to physical objects. Approaches to the goal consist of solving the inverse symbol grounding problem, constructing real-world knowledge, and providing a situation and context inference method.
real-world semantics, sensor network, situation