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Early Performance Modeling For Multi-Agent Systems Using UML2.0


D. Evangelin Geetha, T. V. Suresh Kumar, and K. Rajani Kanth


Vol. 6  No. 3  pp. 247-254


Software engineers continually strive to develop tools and techniques to manage the complexity that is inherent in the system, they have to build. The advent of global computing platforms like the Internet and worldwide web has increased the complexity of designing software systems. To reduce the complexity, multi-agent system has been well recognized. In this context, quality cannot be neglected and so performance is vital for such software systems. In this paper, we present a method, for the performance assessment early in life cycle among agent objects, before the design phase. We exploit the features of UML for agent systems. We propose an algorithm to transform requirements into software execution model, which is useful in performance assessment. The input graph for this execution model, actor-event graph is discussed. The model is solved and the results are presented for a case study on online banking application.


Software Performance Engineering, Muli-agent Systems, Sequence Diagram, Actor-event Graph, Execution Graph.