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A Log-based and Traceability-Oriented Business Object Association Model for Code Generation


Zhongjie Wang, Dechen Zhan, Xiaofei Xu


Vol. 6  No. 3  pp. 122-129


Building well-designed business models is a key step to implement agilely reconfigurable enterprise software and applications (ESA) to adapt to rapid changes in business environments. Traditional business modeling methods can not effectively deal with complex association relationships between business objects; therefore it has great influences on extendibility, adaptability, second-round development efficiency and traceability of ESA. To solve this limitation, in this paper we present a log-based and traceability-oriented business object association model, in which complex and volatile associations between objects are clearly separated from the inner structure of objects and three numerical association styles, i.e., 1 to 1, 1 to n and n to 1, are emphatically discussed. Business logics on objects are classified into two types of operations, i.e., simple operations that deal with inner logics in a simple object, and complex operations which deal with numerical associations between objects. Run-time states of business objects and association information between objects are separated as logs for further traceability.


Business models, business objects, association, logs