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A flexible middleware for metacomputing in multi-domain networks


Franco Frattolillo


Vol. 6  No. 2  pp. 92~99


Middlewares are software infrastructures able to harness the enormous, but often poorly utilized, computing resources existing in the Internet in order to solve large-scale problems. However, most of such resources, particularly those existing within ¡°departmental¡± organizations, cannot often be considered actually available to run large-scale applications, in that they cannot be easily exploited by most of the currently used middlewares for grid computing. In fact, such resources are usually represented by computing nodes belonging to non-routable, private networks and connected to the Internet through publicly addressable IP front-end nodes. This paper presents a flexible, Java middleware able to support the execution of large-scale, object-based applications over heterogeneous multi-domain, non-routable networks. In addition, the middleware has been also designed as a customizable collection of abstract components whose implementations can be dynamically installed in order to satisfy application requirements.


Middleware, Metacomputing, Grid computing.