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A Statechart-Based Approach of Eliciting Implied Scenarios
Hongyuan Wang, Jiachen Zhang, Tie Feng
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 2 pp. 57~62
Scenarios present system behaviors by specifying collaboration and interaction between objects or components from users¡¯ perspectives. Statecharts are precise descriptions of system behaviors. Automatic transformation from scenarios to statechart is the process in which system behavior models are generated automatically from UML requirement models. In this paper we propose an approach to eliciting implied scenarios based on generated statechart from scenarios. This approach presents some rules of constructing state vectors that assist analysts to add semantic information to scenarios expressed by sequence diagrams£¬identify implied state transition paths by adding the scenarios information based on existing algorithm which supports the design process by generating statechart design automatically from scenarios, and synthesize implied scenarios by implied state transition paths with which analysts or users can further refine their requirements.
UML, Scenarios, Sequence diagrams, Statechart, Implied state transition path, Implied Scenario