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Bandwidth Contention with Backpressure Scheme over VDSL Network


Somchai Lekcharoen, Chanintorn Jittawiriyanukoon


Vol. 6  No. 2  pp. 12~20


Bandwidth Contention in VDSL network occurs whenever the demand of bandwidth consumption exceeds the network capacity per se, causing lower throughputs and higher traversal time (delays). If the bandwidth contention cannot be ease nor appropriately controlled, some sessions transported by the network may not meet their quality-of-services (QoS). An existing method may simply reduce incoming traffic rate to boggle down their in-flow. Another method may try to believe in the end-to-end protocols for the recovery of lost packets. However, in this paper, a conservative method, called backpressure scheme, is proposed in order to ensure that no frames will be dropped nor discarded during the transmission, even if the contention arises. Backpressure scheme is introduced then will be evaluated by comparing versus traditional policing mechanisms, namely, Leaky Bucket(LB), Jumping Window(JW) and Triggered Jumping Window(TJW) and versus other backoff schemes, namely, pseudorandom backoff scheme (PB), random backoff scheme (RB) and exponential backoff scheme (EB). Simulation results show that over VDSL network, the backpressure scheme outperforms by improving throughputs while on the other hands, reducing dropped frames.


Policing mechanisms, backoff schemes and backpressure scheme.