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A two-phase model based DSS for Grain Dispatching and Transportation


Haihong Yu, Jigui Sun, Zehai Li


Vol. 6  No. 2  pp. 6~11


The problem of grain dispatching and transportation is a real vehicle routing problem. This paper presents a two-phase optimization model for solving the problem. A set of the feasible routes is generated in the first phase by means of the graph-search algorithm. The search tree is pruned according to the constraints. An integer programming model is designed to select the optimum routes from the set of feasible routes in the second phase. The total cost of all the optimum routes is the least. Based on the two-phase approach, a decision support system for grain dispatching and transportation was implemented. The system was tested with some real instances. Generally, the routes obtained decreased from 9% to 15% in the distance and reduced from 10% to 18% in operational costs.


grain dispatching and transportation, vehicle routing problem, graph-search algorithm, integer programming, decision support system