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Knowledge Platform to use BioMedical Semantic WEBs individually:Bridging Gene Ontologies and Clinical Ontologies at individual site
Jun Nakaya, Tetsuo Shimizu, Hiroshi Tanaka
Citation |
Vol. 6 No. 2 pp. 1~9
Objective: In genomic research with the background of increasing Semantic Networks on Internet, the virtual merging or alignment of gene ontologies (GO) and clinical ontologies (CO) with single scope at each user's location is inevitable consequence to meet individual needs as piecing ontological fragments from Internet or refilling ontological gaps. Methodology: We advocate the knowledge platform that can bridge GO and CO virtually at a client site with three sided basic concepts as (1) the logically extended anatomical index from micro to macro, (2) the knowledge representation based on feature described logical conceptual unit, and (3) the EBM (Evidence Based Medicine) based quality evaluation of knowledge. Results: Scheme and Prototype of the knowledge platform was constructed. Conclusion: The logically extended anatomically hierarchical structure offered the seamless and logical continuity from genome to human. Logical conceptual unit offered unification. EBM based quality assessment enhanced the reliability of knowledge.
Semantic WEB, Clinical Ontology, Gene Ontology, Evidence Based Medicine